(Room 217-219, New Orleans, December 15, 2023, Website)

Previous MATH-AI Workshops

Reviewer Nomination

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Mathematical reasoning is a fundamental aspect of human cognition that has been studied by scholars ranging from philosophers to cognitive scientists and neuroscientists. Mathematical reasoning involves analyzing complex information, identifying patterns and relationships, and drawing logical conclusions from evidence. It is central to many applications in science, engineering, finance, and everyday contexts.

Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have unlocked new opportunities at the intersection of artificial intelligence and mathematical reasoning, ranging from new methods that solve complex problems or prove theorems, to new forms of human-machine collaboration in mathematics and beyond.

Our proposed workshop is centered on the intersection of deep learning and mathematical reasoning, with an emphasis on, but not limited to, large language models. Our guiding theme is:

“To what extent can machine learning models comprehend mathematics, and what applications could arise from this capability?”

To address this question, we aim to bring together a diverse group of scholars from different backgrounds, institutions, and disciplines into our workshop. Our objective is to foster a lively and constructive dialogue on areas related, but not limited, to the following:

Speakers & Panelists

Xinyun Chen
Xinyun Chen
Google DeepMind
Noah D. Goodman
Noah D. Goodman
Stanford University
Timothy Gowers
Timothy Gowers
College de France
Mateja Jamnik
Mateja Jamnik
University of Cambridge
Moa Johansson
Moa Johansson
Chalmers University
Kristin Lauter
Kristin Lauter
FAIR Labs North America, Meta
Paul Smolensky
Paul Smolensky
JHU, Microsoft
Eric Xing
Eric Xing
Denny Zhou
Denny Zhou
Google DeepMind
More Info


Zhenwen Liang
Zhenwen Liang
Notre Dame
Katie Collins
Katie Collins
Pan Lu
Pan Lu
Kaiyu Yang
Kaiyu Yang
Sean Welleck
Sean Welleck
UW, AI2 -> CMU
Jay McClelland
Jay McClelland

Related Venues

Contact: mathai.neurips2023@gmail.com.